A Simple Hotkey program is a macro program.
OpenCV module is available from simple hotkey version 2.3.4 and later.
Introducing OpenCV.
Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV) is a programming library for real-time computer vision.
It was originally developed by Intel. It is a library focused on real-time image processing.
In the simple hotkey, it is a grateful library that allows you to access image search from a more diverse perspective.
Simply put, you can find an image even if it doesn't match exactly.
Install OpenCV.
You need a DLL file to use OpenCV functionality in simple hotkeys.
Download and extract the attached file above, and run OpenCV_Install.exe.
(When installed, an OpenCVDll file will be created in the %Temp% folder path)
OpenCV (Download) 64bit only
Checked by the virus total site - Virus Total is a subsidiary of Google, a site that tests and prevents viruses, worms, and so on (Namuwiki) - Before using it, check the downloaded zip file again at . It should be the same as the virus scan as shown below. - If it is misdiagnosed as a virus, we are requesting the vaccine developer to handle the exception.