2020년 2월 27일 목요일

Simple play 1.8 - Screen recording program

Good morning...!!!
This program is a video recording program !!!
I recently applied for a lecture for another study and I want to record ...
Modules played in the river will block / terminate all related recording programs;
Even the bear player, the media player, the KM player, the cacao player, the next pod player ... all quit
Without user consent it even force !!!!
We collected relevant information and renewed the recording program again. (It works as an executable file)
(EBS Internet lecture did not test, other sites are mostly recordable.)

How to start recording
 - When the area setting or resolution setting is completed, press F11 or Start button to start recording.
   In the tray icon area, the recording icon is displayed.

How to stop recording (IMPORTANT !!!!!)
 - Control + F12
 - Alt + F12
 - Right click on tray icon -> Exit selection
     (You can use any of the three)

If you enter the serial key that was issued through your donation
The recording time function is unrestricted.

CPU: i5-750 / ATI HD6850 / 4GB / Win7 64bit recording

Try setting the quality to 480p.

- In the above specification, 640x480 video can record 20 frames.
  The 1024x786 area can record 10 ~ 15 frames.
      - The higher the resolution, the lower the frame.

Star recording screen. I recorded in 24 frames. (640x480)

Download  link page ( http://hiperv.tistory.com/156 )

8 engines detected this file
SHA-256 1b2f16f3fe089ebb36d9e11db49dcab9d699fb8a7d08db2cbc56327e3efc764f
File name PIayer SimpIe.zip
File size 936.24 KB
Last analysis 2018-07-18 01:43:16 UTC

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