2020년 8월 12일 수요일

Simple Trap 1.0 - Mouse Locking Program (Window Mode, Anti-Escape) self-created program


Simple trap program is a program that prevents the mouse cursor from leaving the window when playing in window mode. 

There are several programs to lock up the mouse cursor, but it's an old version, and I don't think it's supported anymore. 

I made it simple.

I tried to make it as intuitive and simple as possible. 

It doesn't need to be installed, and it's a portable version that works with just one executable file.

First of all, we need to find a target to trap the mouse.
Click Find Trap Window.

You can choose the red border by placing the mouse cursor over the open game screen or window.

When you press left click or F9, the mouse cursor is trapped in a red border.

I made a video to help you understand.

During the mouse trap, it is shown below.

When releasing the mouse trap, you can press the release key to release it.

In Options, you can set the shortcut settings and AutoPlay.

다운로드 (Download)





1/59 engines detected this file

SHA-256 c743fc718a1bc6879896f3ee9d06527f86c32c8f7cd90536dab6ba46561e21ff

File name Simple_Trap.zip

File size 721.57 KB

Last analysis 2019-01-25 01:06:47 UTC

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